
Thursday, September 24, 2020

This term

This term has been very good because of these reasons. At tech I’ve been able to do new things like 3d print stuff and make my own monopoly game and making a photo frame in the woodwork's class. And at school I've been able to do lots of things like for the topics we have been researching a reasonable garden for birds to be safe. Me and my friend Carter have been designing our garden with a leaning fence so cats can't get in and a supply area for food and for the birds to get some shade. We have a place with small trees. And for maths I think I've gotten a lot better. Now I've learnt improper fractions and more about decimals. for reading I've definitely gotten better now in tests I have gotten way higher scores and same with maths. So I think ive improved a lot this term and this is what I've achieved.